Sunday 9 February 2014

The new Year 11 KEFL Students... wishing them all the best for their studies this year.
Back row: Peter Davies, Alex Ripps, Marcus Cooper, Bianca Cox, Josh Askin, Justina Howard, Thomas Chulung, Zack Field-Wright, Kalani Wordley, Kati Havili.
Front Row: Shiriya Barnes, Ryland Hawes-Wright, Jesse Shaw, Kerri Searle.


  1. Motley looking crew. Where's the new captain of the good ship KEFL?

  2. haha - my mug is not suitable for publication at the moment Marshall - haven't got my guardian to sign my photo release form. New enrolment starting tomorrow on probation - takes my numbers up to 18. EEEEK!

  3. The blog looks amazing, Tarryn!!
