Thursday 13 February 2014

Introducing Josh Adkin!

Hello my name is Josh Adkin and I am a year 11 KEFL (Kimberley education for life) student at Kununurra District High School. KEFL is a program that involves students completing a school based traineeship two days a week as well as two days at school completing WACE English, Maths and Outdoor Education subjects, and one day at TAFE completing a Certificate II in our chosen field – for me that is a Certificate II in Business. I am originally from Adelaide, South Australia, I lived there for the first 14 years of my life and when given to opportunity to move to Kununurra I couldn’t say yes any quicker.
I chose KEFL because this program could help benefit my future and make me more employable than other students who are doing VET.
 What interests me about KEFL is being able to get into the work force early while still being able to pass year 12 with all my WACE points. Also to be able to get my Certificate II in Creative Industry, Certificate II in Agriculture and my bronze medallion. Also getting enough WACE points for getting my skippers ticket and my P plates for a car which I will be completing this year.
I would like to be in the entertainment industry because I have always wanted to be in the industry since I was very young. I was recently employed at waringarri radio and was going to do that for my work placement but due to some issues that fell through. I am hoping to do my work placement at our local newspaper the Kimberley echo.
My short term goals would be to still be in KEFL by the end of the term and have a C grade average in all of my subjects. For my short term career goal I would like to be asked to work on the school holidays and weekends just to get more money and more experience.
My long term education goals would be to pass year12 with of my WACE certificate and pass every lesson with a C grade average. My long term career goal would be to have a full time job after I leave school, and stick to my KEFL placement until the end of year 12.
What I would find difficult about KEFL is trying something new and out of my comfort zone and having to make friends that I might not get along with. Also working on my behaviour and making sure I am not late to school.
In 5 years’ time I hopefully see myself with a bachelor’s degree in acting and hopefully planning to move to Los Angeles and have an attend Julliard’s academy of performing arts to help develop my acting career.
Josh Adkin

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